As users report on the Microsoft forum Note: With Windows 10 update KB4284835, Microsoft has fixed an issue causing systems to boot to a black screen after upgrading to Windows 10 version 1803. Also fixed an issue where users report after upgrade to the windows 10 April 2018 update desktop became blank and shows “location not available” Where company explains that the issues occurred because of compatibility issues with previous updates to the Windows 10 April 2018 Update. “Addresses an issue that caused the system to start-up to a black screen. This issue occurs because previous updates to the Spring Creators Update were incompatible with specific versions of PC tune-up utilities after installation”.
“location is not available” after installing Windows 10 version 1803
Microsoft hasn’t yet acknowledged the bug but since the number of systems impacted by the issue has grown significantly in the last few days, hope Microsoft address the issue soon. But If you’ve upgraded your computer to Windows 10 April 2018 Update and the desktop is unavailable for whatever reasons, you may need to restore the operating system to the previous version (Fall Creators Update version 1709). If you are able to access Windows settings from there you can use the Rollback option ( under update & security -> recovery ) to uninstall windows 10 version 1803 Go back to the previous version of Windows 10.
If unable to access the settings menu then Boot into Advanced Startup Options menu or hit F11 as soon as the PCs powers on the advanced startup menu will show up. Here Tap on the System Restores option to restore your computer to the previous version of Windows 10. Also from Advanced options, you can use Go back to the previous build option to uninstall windows 10 version 1803. And for time being defer windows 10 update to prevent windows 10 install the latest version.
If nothing works, you can always reinstall Windows 10.